The New Game

Making money while you sleep! An advanced introduction to self-employment and the home-based business. The New Game was developed by Bishop Wayne in response to the global financial crisis of 2008 when it became clear that job-security was an illusion embraced by the mis-educated masses.

Course content

A New Era is Here!

We are at the dawn of a new economic era in which there are going to be big winners and even bigger losers. The big winners will be those who take full responsibility for their own financial futures and who have the courage and determination to create their own sources of income.

The even bigger losers will be those who are patiently waiting for a politician to bring them back to the industrial age of job security. The bad news is that most people are going to lose because they will procrastinate, speculate, hope and vote until it is simply too late to reverse the effects of their indecisive actions.

They are going to get poorer and poorer as the years roll by and will become increasingly dependant on a broken State in order to survive. The credit crunch, job losses, cuts in public services, inflation and home foreclosures are unfortunately only the beginning of sorrows for the mis-educated masses who were programmed to become job-dependent, debt-dependent and State-dependent.

Good news

The good news is that you don’thave to be one of them if you take action now! This course is a wake up call for anyone who will heed its core message. It will set forth analternative strategy and game plan for those who don’t want to be in the arena when the great illusion comes crashing down.The old game of job security is now obsolete.

Great jobs are still available and will be for centuries to come; however they are not secure! No employer can guarantee you a job for life; neither can they guarantee you a pension when you retire. They can’t even guarantee that they will be in business this time next year. Even if you apply new rules to the old game, you may still lose in life. Playing the old game even harder is also a recipe for disaster because no matter how hard you work; jobs are no longer secure, the banks are scared to borrow and the economy is unpredictable!

What you'll learn

  • The Middle-class illusion–job-security

  • Entrepreneur secrets, skills and tools

  • Home-based marketing and sales made simple

  • Debt-destruction strategies

  • How to create passive income streams

  • Fast start business models

  • Emergency Cash Strategies

  • and more...


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This course includes:
  • 6 hours on-demand video

  • Full lifetime access

  • Downloadable resources

  • Access on mobile and TV

  • Certificate of completion